Friday, January 5, 2018

Eliminate This Distraction

A brief piece of advice:

Turn off your phone while you study or write. 

You don't realize how much it distracts you until you become uber-productive when you turn it off.

G.P.A. Benefit:
Better focus on assignments helps you get those few extra points that you might have missed because you studied that much more material!

Best wishes for the new year,


Color Code Your Stress Away

One of the best tips about preparing for school that I decided to try (which I received from a very organized and awesome sister-in-law) is color coding my classes.

G.P.A. Benefit: The less time you spend searching for the right binder, notebook, notes, or agenda item, the more time you can spend working on valuable assignments. Color-coding takes some preparation, but is worth it.

First, assign a color to each class. For example, in a previous semester, I assigned pink to an adolescent literature class, orange to a Shakespeare class, yellow to a Milton class, Green to an Educational Psychology class, and Blue to a rhetoric class.

Then, attach color tabs or other color indicators to each binder and notebook, or buy binders and notebooks in each color you choose to use.

Finally, have on hand pens and/or highlighters matching the colors you chose so you can color coordinate your assignments in agenda entries.

I wish you all the best in your organization and hope this helps!
