Friday, September 30, 2016

Study Block Schedule

The purpose of this block schedule is to create a fast-paced study session in which the possibility of falling asleep or getting distracted is minimized. The goal is to partition time in order to work on multiple things at once. It may be helpful to create a to-do list beforehand, from which to copy your assignments onto a block of time in your study block.
  • Break Times
    • The purpose of the 15 minutes of Prep Time at the beginning is to give your mind a rest to prepare for what you're about to do.
      • Do something that relaxes you or helps organize your study area for the least amount of distraction
      • Turn off your phone
      • Drink a glass of water and make sure you have enough food or snacks available to keep you going
      • This will help prepare your mind and motivation and help you feel awake.
    • The purpose of the periodic 10 minute break time is to give you a chance to refocus.
      • Do something that relaxes you.
      • If needed turn on phone to check messages or missed calls, but immediately turn back off.
      • Do NOT let your waste time exceed the allowance.
      • If needed, shorten it.
  • Papers
    • Give more time than regular miscellaneous homework.
    • Understand what the paper topic is.
    • Explore related resources.
    • Collect in a table or on note cards quotes or paraphrases with source info.
    • If paper is on a book, READ THE PROMPT BEFORE THE BOOK. 
      • This will help focus reading on collecting relevant information.
    • If you have multiple papers, give both the same level of focus.
  • Miscellaneous Homeworks
    • Anything outside of your main assignments
    • May be reading for next class, or filling out a worksheet
    • Use this time creatively to knock things off your to-do list
Sample Study Block Schedule: 

15 minutes - Prep Time - turn off your phone!
30 minutes - Paper 1 - read prompt, understand your goal
30 minutes - Paper 2 - read prompt, understand your goal
15 minutes - Misc. Homework 1 - define vocabulary words
15 minutes - Misc Homework 2 - worksheet
10 minutes - Break
30 minutes - Paper 1 - collect evidence from resources
30 minutes - Paper 2 - collect evidence from resources
15 minutes - Misc. Homework 3 - complete online module
15 minutes - Misc Homework 4 - read assigned article
10 minutes - Break
30 minutes - Paper 1 - divide evidence into paragraphs
30 minutes - Paper 2 - divide evidence into paragraphs
15 minutes - Misc. Homework 5 - email teacher with questions, clarify misunderstandings
15 minutes - Misc Homework 6 -  etc.
10 minutes - Break

Total study time: 4 hrs, 30 mins
Total Prep/Break time: 45 mins

Total time used: 5 hrs, 15 mins

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