Saturday, December 3, 2016

Study Pairing Strategy

This is a great way to motivate yourself to approach that assignment that you just don't feel like doing. 
1. Identify the particular assignment you need to complete.
2. Imagine things you enjoy doing that you could pair with the dreaded assignment.
3. Set yourself up with both the thing you like to do and your assignment. Time to begin!
Here's an example that follows these directions:

First, I identify the assignment.

Then, I like to think about things that make me feel more comfortable and then pair them with my work. For example, I am currently working on a paper, but have a heated blanket that is helping me feel relaxed.

Other ideas:
  • Make a cup of hot cocoa/tea/coffee and get comfortable in your favorite study spot.
  • Find your favorite relaxation snack (mine would be chocolate!) and have it readily available as you work.
  • Listen to music that motivates but does not distract. For me, this depends on the mood, but I have been known to use techno, folksy, or acoustic music (violin/cello) without any words. 
  • Make sure the clothes you are wearing make you feel comfortable and keep you at a perfect temperature.
Finally, begin. You can do it!
R. L. Williams

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